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Spring Smart Home Must-Haves

Spring Smart Home Must-Haves

Want to transform your home into a smart home this spring? Smart home solutions make your life easier and when paired with your security system they make your home safer too. Find out the must-have smart home devices to add to your security system here.

Smart Thermostats

Save money, efficiency, and energy this spring when you add a smart thermostat to your system. Create custom schedules and temperature presets that will keep your home at optimal comfort. Have your thermostat automatically change temperature when the system is armed away or shut off if smoke or carbon monoxide is detected to limit the circulation of fumes.

Smart Locks

Say goodbye to your house keys with our smart lock. Lock or unlock your door remotely, set time-limited access codes, and always know when someone unlocks your door with our smart lock. You can create and disable codes at any time, so there is no need to rekey or change your locks.

Smart Lights

Save energy and keep your home secure with smart lights. Set up rules to automatically turn on the entry light whenever you disarm your system and walk through the door. Create light schedules that make it appear as if you are at home even when you’re away.

Smart Garage Door

Garage doors are often a key entry point to your home. Did you leave the garage door open? With our smart garage door control, you can remotely open or close the garage door or get notified if the door is left open.


If you are interested in adding these smart home devices to your security system this spring, contact us to schedule a visit with one of our security consultants for a free quote.

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