Elevate Residential Security

Discover expert tips & top-notch solutions in our blog category for a safer home environment.

Keeping our New Orleans homes safe goes beyond just securing the front door. Our outdoor areas and assets, like pools, playgrounds, and garden sheds, also need protection. Installing a video surveillance system is a smart way to monitor these spaces and ensure they are safe from accidents and theft. Let’s dive into why it’s so […]

With the constant evolution of technology and the ever-present need for safety, there has never been a better time to invest in or upgrade your home video surveillance system. Here’s why this is the perfect moment to enhance your home security with ABC Fire & Burglar Alarm, your reliable security partner in New Orleans. Enhanced […]

New Orleans is a vibrant city known for its rich cultural heritage, vibrant festivals, and unique charm. However, alongside its many attractions, it also faces distinct security challenges. From property crime to natural disasters, the residents and businesses of NOLA must navigate a complex landscape of potential threats. To provide you with the most effective […]

Living in New Orleans means enjoying a vibrant culture, rich history, and beautiful surroundings. However, it also means facing the potential threat of severe weather, especially in the months of June to November. This includes hurricanes, tropical storms, and flooding. While we often prepare our homes for these weather events, it’s essential to consider how […]

The allure of New Orleans is undeniable. From the infectious rhythms of brass bands to the architectural symphony of shotgun doubles and Creole cottages, it’s a city steeped in vibrant culture and rich history. But beneath the surface lies a reality: NOLA faces unique security challenges. According to a report by Gitnux, the city boasted […]

Ah, New Orleans. The Big Easy. Land of steaming gumbo, second-line parades, and…well, let’s be honest, some seriously brutal summer heat. While the vibrant culture keeps us returning for more, that scorching Louisiana sun can turn even the most enthusiastic reveler into a puddle. But fear not, fellow New Orleanians! There are ways to keep […]

A well-designed video surveillance system can be a homeowner’s greatest ally.  These systems deter crime, provide valuable evidence in case of an incident, and offer remote monitoring capabilities for unparalleled peace of mind. But with a multitude of options available, choosing the right security camera system – wired or wireless – can be a breeze […]

Remember that unnerving feeling when you leave on vacation, replaying the mental checklist a hundred times – did I lock the door? Did I arm the alarm?  Smart home technology isn’t just about dimming the lights from the couch; it’s about wielding the power of automation to turn your house into a proactive guardian, working […]

If you’re like most folks in New Orleans, your home is your castle, and keeping your little ones safe is a top priority. At ABC Fire and Burglar Alarm, we’re all about combining the latest tech with smart strategies to ensure your peace of mind. Welcome to the world of smart homes — where childproofing […]

Balancing work, school, and personal activities can be monumental for many families in New Orleans. Add to that the constant concern for the safety and security of your home and loved ones, and it’s clear why many are turning to smart home solutions. Smart doorbells, locks, and security cameras offer not just peace of mind […]