Security Systems | Custom Alarm | Security Cameras

Security Systems | Custom Alarm | Security Cameras

Getting Your Home Ready for the Big Storm

Home Alarm System

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Part Two

We are continuing our series on preparing your home for hurricane season.  Our previous article discussed the importance of having a home alarm system and alarm monitoring.  We also covered preparing your disaster supply kit, trimming tree branches and bushes and checking your smoke detectors.  This article will cover three more hurricane preparation tips to consider.

Test Your Home Alarm System

You should test your home alarm system to ensure everything is in working order before the storm.  Make sure indoor and outdoor security cameras are secure, properly placed and transmitting. Customize your smart home automation to send alerts.  Call your alarm monitoring company to make sure everything is online. When any disaster strikes, a home alarm system can offer peace of mind.

Inventory and Make a Video of Valuables

You should keep an itemized inventory of all of your valuables either with you or in a waterproof/fireproof safe. This documentation is important for insurance purposes should you experience a loss. You should also make a video showing and detailing your valuables should you need to make a future claim.

Fill Vehicles and Generators with Gasoline

Make sure all of your vehicles and generators are filled with gas.  Depending on the severity of the storm and damage, gasoline may be difficult to find during the aftermath.

ABC Fire & Burglar Alarm can set you up with an easy to use, reliable home alarm system with smart home automation and alarm monitoring.  Our alarm systems use a dedicated cellular connection so they operate even when the power is out and Internet is down.  Whether you stay at home or evacuate, our smart home automation smartphone app allows you to monitor and control indoor and outdoor security cameras and get notified if someone is on your property.  Want to learn more about our home alarm systems, smart home systems and alarm monitoring?  If so, give us a call today!

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