Are You Making These Common Home Security Mistakes?
Having an affordable home security system is the smartest way to protect your home and family. Even if you have an alarm system, that does not mean that you can just forget about all the other things you need to do to ensure the safety of your home. Thousands of homes are broken into every day, and many of these incidents are partially the result of homeowners making common mistakes. Here are some of the most common home security mistakes that you should avoid.
Hiding a Key
Having a hidden key can be convenient when a key is lost, or you need to give someone access to your home that does not have a key. Burglars and robbers are aware of this trick which makes their access to your home easier. Adding a smart lock with individual user codes eliminates the need for hiding a key with added security.
Putting Boxes of Expensive Items on the Curb
One easy way for burglars to know what is in your home is to look through your trash. If you have left the box for that brand-new flat-screen out by the curb, anybody passing by will know what is inside the home. Instead, break the boxes down and stick them deep inside your trash bin, keeping them out of plain sight.
Not Arming your Alarm System When Leaving the House
Forgetting to arm your alarm system is easier than it sounds and leaves a wide-open opportunity for burglars and thieves to make their way in without setting off the alarm and alerting authorities. If your home has a standard burglar alarm keypad, make sure to manually arm the alarm system every time you head out of the door. You can also upgrade to a smart home security system that lets you arm your security system remotely from your phone, alerts you when you’ve forgotten, and lets you check in on your home throughout the day from wherever you are.
Leaving Windows Unlocked
It is easy to make this mistake, especially as the weather gets cooler when you may be opening and closing your windows to enjoy the fresh crisp air (which we know doesn’t happen to often in Southern Louisiana). Unfortunately, if you leave your windows unlocked – even if they are closed – you will be providing a criminal with an easy path inside. It only takes a moment to lock your window after you close it and doing so will go a long way toward preventing a burglary.
With home alarm monitoring from ABC Fire and Burglar Alarm, you can be at ease knowing your home is protected even if you make these common mistakes. If you are interested in installing a residential security system, contact us to schedule a free consultation.